Contests and Events |1 min read
Traveling Toothbrush Contest
Whether you’re heading to the beach, Disney World, camping or staying home this summer, we want to hear about it! Overby Orthodontics will be giving away a $100 Visa gift card to one lucky patient who enters our Traveling Toothbrush Contest. This contest is the perfect opportunity for anyone traveling outside Austin, Stewartville and Rochester to share their vacation with our team.
How do I enter the Traveling Toothbrush Contest? Simply snap a photo of your toothbrush, or you on-the-go this summer. You can mail it, email it, Facebook it, or drop it off in the office. We will share photos in our office and draw one winner from each office in August… just in time for that back-to-school shopping!
Safe travels,
-Dr. Overby and team